College, Career, and Civic Readiness

The Standard - Article

Performance Assessments: Promises and Pitfalls

By learning from the past, state boards can add depth and relevance to their assessment systems.

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The Standard - Article

Breakthrough or Breakdown? School Accountability in Flux

Time to steer systems toward better balance and coherence.

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The Standard - Article

Test-Based Accountability in Distressed Times

State leaders should stick with their assessments because they improve student learning and school performance.

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Press Release

NASBE Releases Reports on Policies to Support Quality Early Education and Remote Learning

There's a role to play for state board leaders to advance high quality early education and remote learning.

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Education Leaders Reports

Start Strong: Supporting Early Childhood Education through Policy

State boards of education can leverage their existing authority to ensure that all early learners have access to a quality education. This report is a product of a workgroup NASBE convened on early childhood education.

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Policy Update

Remote Learning in Early Childhood

If online learning is not designed with early childhood in mind, many children will not be able to build a strong foundation for their education and will fail to establish the structure and routines that learning requires.

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Designing Effective Remote Learning for Young Students

Join NASBE for a webinar on effective models for early childhood remote learning.

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Press Release

Six Questions to Foster Effective Digital Learning through Policy

State policymakers can play a role in ensuring that distance learning is accessible to all students and that teachers are equipped to leverage it to accelerate learning.

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Power of the Question

Six Questions State Boards Should Ask to Foster Effective Digital Learning

The COVID-19 pandemic has illuminated and exacerbated gaps implementing online learning effectively for all students. State boards can ask questions to better assess technology use in their states.

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