The only organization dedicated solely to helping state boards advance equity and excellence in public education.

Education Governance

The Standard

Leading and Governing

Is there another domestic policy space more complicated than state education governance? In the face of the 50-plus ways of constructing state systems of public education in this country, the authors in this issue of The Standard attempt to tease out what constitutes strong leadership and effective governance.

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A Look at State Education Governance

State boards of education are different in every state and have diverse policy authority. Some are created by the state constitution and others by statute. Some of their members are elected; some are appointed. In many states, it is the state board who selects the state education chief. In others, it is the governor. Use […]

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The Standard - Article

Roadmap to Excellence: Strategic Planning for State Boards

Savvy boards can increase the odds their plans will live, breathe, and have measurable impact.

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Policy Update

Engaging Youth in Education Policymaking

More than 400 students now serve as members of state boards of education or state advisory councils in 33 states. Learn how states are elevating student voice and leadership in education policymaking.

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Policy Update

Involving Teachers in State Education Governance

A growing number of states boards of education see the advantages of involving teachers in policymaking decisions. Many have created a place for a current teacher to serve on the board.

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Boardmanship Reviews

Parliamentary Procedures: Key to Democratic Decision Making on State Boards

State boards of education often have important responsibilities for decisions on education policy, among other duties that require consensus. A grasp of the basic elements of parliamentary procedure is therefore important for the well-equipped board member.

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New Learning Series: Achieving Equitable Outcomes for Children and Youth

NASBE offers state board members a new professional development learning series to help achieve better, measurable outcomes for children and families.

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Policy Update

New State Strategic Plans Zero In on Learning Recovery

This NASBE analysis looks at 49 state strategic plans and finds many target learning recovery and other pandemic-related education issues.

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State Strategies for Sustaining Pandemic Recovery Efforts Beyond ESSER

As the final obligation deadline for the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER) approaches, states and school districts face a looming “fiscal cliff” that will impact the sustainability of important pandemic recovery efforts. Join NASBE, CCSSO, and Edunomics Lab on Thursday, April 11, 2024 at 3:00 pm ET, for a webinar discussion about […]

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Policy Update

Empowering Families to Improve Youth Mental Health

State education leaders can foster children’s mental health by increasing families’ preparedness and awareness of available resources and activities.

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Policy Update

Beyond Testing for Lead in Drinking Water: Implications for Funding

While most states encourage or require schools to test for lead in drinking water, funding to sustain remediation lags—despite significant federal grants designed to boost those efforts.

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The Standard - Article

Chronic Absence: A Call for Deeper Student and Family Engagement

Connecticut's experience underscores the value of a positive, systemic approach to improving attendance.

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The Standard - Column

Student Voice: Removing Barriers to Student Leadership

It is important to encourage students to engage with a wide variety of policymakers.

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The Standard - Column

NCSBEE Voice: Harnessing Students' Expertise in Communications

When [students] help us create and when we collaborate, we are inspired, and we are more knowledgeable when we write policy and advocate on their behalf.

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Boardmanship Reviews

Parliamentary Procedures: Key to Democratic Decision Making on State Boards

State boards of education often have important responsibilities for decisions on education policy, among other duties that require consensus. A grasp of the basic elements of parliamentary procedure is therefore important for the well-equipped board member.

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