College, Career, and Civic Readiness

The Standard - Article

State Strategies for Improving Young Children's Math Skills

Early math instruction is as important to young learners' futures as literacy. It's time for math to get the same level of attention.

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The Standard - Article

An Economic Perspective on Preschool for All

Is “preschool for all” the best way to extend access to preschool to the children who need it most?

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The Standard - Article

Universal Pre-K in Tulsa: A Surprising Success

Longitudinal studies of Tulsa’s universal pre-K program reveal benefits to students that persist as they move through elementary and secondary school and on to college.

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The Standard - Article

Opportunities and Challenges for Preschool Expansion

As states adopt a bigger role in preschool, state leaders need to be ready to steer through tough questions of quality, access, funding, and continuous improvement.

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The Standard - Article

California's Transitional Kindergarten: Lessons Learned

States can learn from California's statewide launch of transitional kindergarten, which has impacts on other ECE providers, workforce preparation and compensation, professional development, funding, and program evaluation, as well as implications for system governance.

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The Standard

Preschool for All

The state role in early education keeps growing. This Standard details the ways that states have expanded access to quality preschool, the research that supports these efforts, and the growing pains these initiatives are likely to experience.

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Press Release

States Increase Focus on Critical Media Literacy Skills

NASBE analysis identifies six key questions for state leaders to ask to advance media literacy standards.

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Power of the Question

Six Questions to Advance Media Literacy and Digital Citizenship

Adolescents consume a lot of screen media, which exposes them to potentially harmful media messages that impacts their physical, mental, and social well-being. Read how some states are equipping students with skills to navigate a complex media landscape.

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Press Release

States’ Early Learning Initiatives in 2023 Seed 2024 Plans

A new NASBE Policy Update examines state actions in on early childhood education in 2023.

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