States can take advantage of existing funding and new ESSA guidance to ensure the quality of their assessment frameworks. This policy update highlights two states—Illinois and Tennessee—that have taken the initiative to evaluate their systems.
read moreState boards of education have the primary authority over choosing summative assessments in 31 states. This policy update urges comprehensive state board involvement in the development of state assessment systems and lays out nine big questions board members should address before they adopt a new state assessment system
read moreAmelia Vance outlines key lessons policymakers to contemplate to avoid unintended consequences of actions to protect student data privacy.
read moreThis series of NASBE policy updates highlights the importance of consistency across policies to ensure effective, efficient learning systems and successful ESSA implementation.
read moreThis policy update highlights two state boards of education—Washington and Idaho—that have proactively sought to prepare students better for continuing their educations after high school.
read moreGiven the policy reset reflected in the newly minted Every Student Succeeds Act, state boards of education now face greater responsibility for assessments and determining their role in state accountability systems.
read moreThis report details the Career Readiness Study Group's recommendations for how state boards of education can begin to explore, expand, and enhance career readiness efforts in their states as part of the broader effort to ensure students are prepared for college, careers, and civic life.
read moreStates vary in how they respond to parents’ requests to opt children out of standardized testing. This Policy Update compiles information on each state’s response and links to guidance documents.
read moreAs parents increasingly ask to opt their children out of standardized tests, state boards of education are sometimes unsure whether and how to respond. This Policy Update highlights successful policy strategies for addressing opt out requests and how state boards can use this opportunity to communicate the benefits of testing and improve the public’s understanding of test-based accountability.
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