The only organization dedicated solely to helping state boards advance equity and excellence in public education.

Teachers and Leaders


Exploring State Policy Levers that Drive Local Principal Pipeline Efforts

What would a state’s policy environment look like if it were to support local school districts in developing effective approaches to strengthening the principal corps? That is the question Dr. Paul Manna, professor of government and public policy at William & Mary, seeks to answer in a new report commissioned by The Wallace Foundation. On […]

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The Standard - Article

Teacher Diversity and Student Success

State policymakers should name diversity as a marker of teacher quality.

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NASBE in the News

Which Teacher Recruitment, Retention Strategies Pay Off Amid COVID-19?

K-12 Dive covers the recent NASBE webinar “Filling the Educator Pipeline.”   In a webinar hosted Wednesday by the National Association of State Boards of Education, HR and talent professionals from state and local education agencies said strategies such as increasing pathways to certification, supporting principals and building leaders around talent management, and providing internal […]

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State Innovations

Michigan Adds Certificate for Birth to Kindergarten Teachers

A detail of how the Michigan State Board of Education, working closely with the state education agency, is expanding opportunities to improve early educators’ preparation.

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Filling the Educator Pipeline

Educator shortages and the lack of diversity in the teacher workforce are growing concerns for state leaders across the United States. Earlier this spring, NASBE published an analysis highlighting state efforts in Connecticut, Kentucky, Massachusetts, and North Carolina to increase educator diversity. Join NASBE on Wednesday, August 25, as we discuss “filling the educator pipeline” […]

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Principal Impact: Exploring New Research and Policy Implications

Join NASBE as we explore the findings from this important research with the authors and have a conversation about preparing and supporting a high-quality principal workforce and the implications for state policymakers.

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Power of the Question

Five Questions to Ask about School Staff Wellness in the Wake of COVID-19

The pandemic increased educator stress and burnout. Here are five questions state board members can ask to engage their state around staff wellness.

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The Standard - Article

Moving toward Competency-Based Professional Learning

Microcredentials embedded in effective learning systems can promote teacher growth, advancement, and retention.

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Partner Resource

The Role of Assistant Principals: Evidence and Insights for Advancing School Leadership

​​​​​​​​​​​The number of assistant principals has grown markedly in recent years, and with reconsideration, the AP role could do more to help foster educational equity, school improvement and principal effectiveness, according to a new synthesis of research commissioned by The Wallace Foundation.

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