Board Effectiveness

The Standard - Column

NCOSEA Voice: Resolving Disputes without a Lawyer

Resolving disputes requires careful attention to relationships and a willingness to work together.

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Policy Update

Engaging Youth in Education Policymaking

More than 400 students now serve as members of state boards of education or state advisory councils in 33 states. Learn how states are elevating student voice and leadership in education policymaking.

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The Standard - Column

From the President's Pen: The Pursuit of Goals for Education

In education we can’t seem to get traction, but we can sure get whiplash. Will this time be different?

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The Standard - Column

From the President's Pen: The Starfish and the Ocean

All policies are thus rightly viewed as part of a greater ecosystem.

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The Standard - Column

Student Voice: Having an Equal Seat at the Table

Student advocacy ought not be equated with ingratitude.

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The Standard - Column

From the President's Pen: Looking in the Mirror

The relentless pursuit of equity and excellence begins at the board table—not at the schoolhouse door.

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Press Release

At Least 14 State Boards Elevate Teachers’ Voices in State Education Policymaking

A growing number of state boards of education are involving teachers in policymaking decisions, says NASBE analysis.

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Policy Update

Involving Teachers in State Education Governance

A growing number of states boards of education see the advantages of involving teachers in policymaking decisions. Many have created a place for a current teacher to serve on the board.

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The Standard - Column

We the Media: Communicating in Times of Crisis

Effective, clear communications in uncertain times is critical—for parents, policymakers, and the public.

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