The only organization dedicated solely to helping state boards advance equity and excellence in public education.

Board Effectiveness

Boardmanship Reviews

Working with the Media

Board members can work with the media to help communicate important decisions to stakeholders and build public trust.

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Boardmanship Reviews

Conflict of Interest

How state boards can avoid conflicts of interest and the appearance of such conflicts.

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Boardmanship Reviews

Building Partnerships with the State Legislature

The interests of students are usually best served when state legislatures and state boards view education policymaking as a shared responsibility.

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Boardmanship Reviews

State Boards: Critical Link to Quality Public Education

As they advocate for a quality education for every child, state boards have four key roles.

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Boardmanship Reviews

Governing State Board Operations through Parliamentary Procedures

Proper parliamentary procedure makes the most of the limited time boards have together.

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Boardmanship Reviews

New Member Orientation

If new members get a good orientation early in their term, the whole board will be more effective.

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Boardmanship Reviews

Let the Sunshine In

Board members should be well versed in their state's open meetings law.

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Boardmanship Reviews

Five Steps to Being a Better Board Member

Like any skill, effective board service can be learned, practiced, and improved.

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