The Standard - Article

A Data-Driven Approach to Staffing Schools

Lowering teacher standards may fail to solve actual pipeline problems and can create new ones.

The Uneven Landscape of Teacher Preparation

State statutes impede students' equitable access to profession-ready teachers.

Five Trends Shaping the Teaching Force

State policymakers looking to increase recruitment and retention should keep an eye on these long-term trends.

The Impact of COVID-19 on Math Achievement

Without urgent attention, the problem of unfinished learning will compound as students advance to later grades.

The Urgent Need for Tailored Math Instruction

States can shift away from grade-level myopia to help students catch up.

High-Dosage Tutoring

Strong evidence points to equity and well-being benefits from well-designed programs.

Advancing Science Instruction

State boards can lean into efforts to boost K-12 science literacy and beef up access to high-quality, inquiry-based education.

10 Lessons Learned from the Science Classroom

Experience with high-stakes accountability informs teacher's standards setting on the state board.