September 2021
Volume 21, No. 3
The Role of Schools in Racial Justice
Because they are central to redressing the country’s longstanding racial inequities, public schools have long been at the nexus of fraught debates over what constitutes equity. As many states considered measures this year animated by varying interpretations of critical race theory and concerns about its application to K-12 teaching, this tension came into sharper than normal focus.
The debates focused on “what” and “how”: What history do teachers teach? How do they handle hard history and contentious issues? We hope the questions of why and whether schools have a role in promoting a just society are settled: All children can learn if they receive excellent instruction and equal opportunities to learn, have the supports they need, and feel safe and a sense of belonging at school. It is what justice requires, and yet the country is not there yet. The authors in this issue address how schools can progress toward equity.

Achieving Racial Justice in PreK-12 Education
By John B. King Jr. and Denise ForteProgress is possible. Back to normal is not good enough.
Designing for Equity
By Hal SmithIt takes a whole community to lift up policies and practices that support equity and end those that don't.
Teacher Diversity and Student Success
By Constance A. LindsayState policymakers should name diversity as a marker of teacher quality.
Equity and English Learners Post-Pandemic
By Julie Sugarman and Melissa LazarínState leaders should ramp up supports for EL students and their families.
Racial Justice through Expanded Choice
By Derrell BradfordDecoupling where students receive education from where they live is key to undoing the system's racist roots.
Supporting Youth with the Most Need
By Hailly T.N. KormanFor many, the pandemic has been just one of a host of barriers to a high-quality education.
Engaging Students through Ethnic Studies
By Woody ExleyCalifornia, Connecticut, and Texas broaden their elective offerings.
District of Columbia Embeds Antiracist Lens in Update of Social Studies Standards
By Jessica Sutter and Alexander JueState board tees up a revision process and standards characterized by civic engagement and cultural responsiveness.
Student Voice: Finding Hope by Finding a Voice
By Pragya UpretiDemocracy thrives when primary stakeholders are brought into the picture.
State Board Voice: The Struggle to Be Seen and Feel Safe
By Janice MakTogether, state boards are helping AAPI students be seen and feel safe.
From the President’s Pen: The Pursuit of Goals for Education
By Robert HullIn education we can’t seem to get traction, but we can sure get whiplash. Will this time be different?
The NASBE Interview: Dr. Vermelle D. Greene and Dr. Miya T. Simpson
By helping our Black boys, we are going to help all our students.