This analysis describes key elements in education data legislation introduced or passed this year and notes some states to watch.
read moreData collection is a tool that serves states’ students, educators, and policymakers. States must learn to leverage “the power of data” in education while fulfilling the obligation to protect student privacy.
read moreAmelia Vance outlines key lessons policymakers to contemplate to avoid unintended consequences of actions to protect student data privacy.
read moreThe West Virginia Board of Education’s experience reviewing and adopting its data privacy policies offers lessons for other states.
read moreAs they advocate for a quality education for every child, state boards have four key roles.
read moreProper parliamentary procedure makes the most of the limited time boards have together.
read morePunitive school discipline and zero-tolerance policies impede student achievement, and there are supportive, evidence-based disciplinary strategies to supplant them.
read moreIf new members get a good orientation early in their term, the whole board will be more effective.
read moreBoard members should be well versed in their state's open meetings law.
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