The only organization dedicated solely to helping state boards advance equity and excellence in public education.

State Innovations

Kansas State Board Confronts Youth Vaping

The usage of vaping products among middle school students has increased at alarming rates. Federal and state policymakers are addressing this crisis, including in Kansas, where the state board of education acted quickly to engage stakeholders on curbing youth vaping.

Policy Update

Governors Draw Roadmap toward Common Ground on State Education

In 2019, almost all governors spoke on education concerns in their "state of the state addresses," including school funding, career and technical education, postsecondary funding and financial aid, early childhood education, and teacher pay.

Policy Update

Trends in Student Data Sharing and Privacy in 2018

In 2018, state boards of education discussed and adopted policies to increase accountability for student data protection and to increase transparency of schoolwide data through data dashboards. This analysis highlights changes in state policy that cover data protection requirements, test administration and security, records retention, and confidentiality protocols.