The only organization dedicated solely to helping state boards advance equity and excellence in public education.

NASBE Issues Statement on Title II Cuts in House Budget Proposal

For Immediate Release: July 17, 2017

Contact: Michael Spaeth,, 703-684-4002

NASBE Issues Statement on Title II Cuts in House Budget Proposal

Alexandria, VA —National Association of State Boards of Education (NASBE) President/CEO Kristen Amundson issued this statement on the recent House budget proposal:

“Given the vital role our teachers and school leaders play in fostering student achievement, we are disappointed at the elimination of federal funding for Title II, Part A in the House fiscal year 2018 (FY 18) Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education funding bill.

“At a time when states are on the cusp of real improvement in their education systems under ESSA, continued support for strong professional learning for teachers and leaders is critical. Ensuring that every student experiences high-quality teaching and that every teacher is supported by a skilled school leader are linchpins to ESSA’s success.

“A loss of $2 billion in Title II funds jeopardizes state leaders’ ability to realize the promise of ESSA to advance equity and excellence. Changes to the Title II program under ESSA, which called for a more rigorous, evidence-based definition of professional development, give states a tremendous opportunity to innovate and implement effective programs to advance the teaching profession. Many of our members have expressed serious concern about reduced federal funding to support teachers and leaders. State board of education members across the nation are ready to lead the charge to improve student outcomes through evidence-based strategies. We strongly encourage members of Congress to fund Title II, Part A and the programs in the FY 18 funding bill.”

The National Association of State Boards of Education represents America’s state and territorial boards of education. Our principal objectives are to strengthen state leadership in education policymaking, advocate equality of access to educational opportunity, promote excellence in the education of all students, and ensure responsible lay governance of education. Learn more at


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