Policy Update
Children with limited or uncertain access to meals experience more health-related behavioral and academic challenges than their peers. Federally funded summer nutrition programs are designed to ensure low-income students receive healthy meals all summer long. This policy update explains what state boards can do to expand the reach of summer nutrition programs.
Policy Update
This NASBE Policy Update explains how states can take advantage of ESSA’s provisions to more fully integrate health into education policy and practice.
Policy Update
Education and health outcomes are linked. Yet despite a growing body of evidence tying health to academic achievement, many school systems have not established and coordinated policies, processes, and practices that will improve both health and learning of all students. State boards of education have a role to play in facilitating this effort.
Policy Update
State boards of education have a long history of establishing policies to govern safe medication administration, but as new and potentially controversial school health emergencies arise, state boards will need to nimbly amend and expand school emergency medication policies. This policy update highlights states that have recently acted.
Policy Update
Allergic reactions in school settings still threaten the lives of students with alarming frequency. This Policy Update outlines state and federal requirements for stocking epinephrine and recommendations for state board members to ensure proper implementation.