Because state boards of education frequently have direct authority for and regular reporting from schools for the deaf and blind, which typically are stand-alone districts, NASBE opted to interview two superintendents about their work. Dr. Lou Maynus is superintendent for the Ohio School for the Blind and the School for the Deaf. Joel Coleman is superintendent for the Utah Schools for the Deaf and the Blind (USDB).

The NASBE Interview: Dr. Lou Maynus and Joel Coleman

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Annual Conference 2024

Registration is now open for this year's Annual Conference, October 23-25, in Louisville, Kentucky. Join us!

New State Strategic Plans Zero In on Learning Recovery

This NASBE analysis looks at 49 state strategic plans and finds many target learning recovery and other pandemic-related education issues.
A diverse group of preschoolers in a classroom i

Preschool for All

The state role in early education keeps growing. This Standard details the ways that states have expanded access to quality preschool, the research that supports these efforts, and the growing pains these initiatives are likely to experience.

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